In addition to my research, I also have a broad range of interest in utilitarianism, education, learning and rationality. I spend some of my free time pursuing these interests and I have been active in organizations and websites that are based on these values.

Aiducation International is a for-impact organization, dedicated to giving people access to education. Founded in 2007 by parts of Kenya’s civil society, the organization awards merit-based high school scholarships to bright and needy students in developing countries (current focus is on Kenya and the Philippines). Thereby, donors help students to realize their chances in life, while at the same time pushing the human capital in developing countries closer to their factual potential.
I have been a board member of Aiducation International since 2010 and have been involved in multiple projects. My main responsibility is the website front-end (web-design, dynamic content) and back-end (customization, business logic, process optimization, development of customer-relationship-management system) as well as server-management (web, mail, ftp). As a team, we have been able to award over 900 scholarships since 2008 (worth over 2 million US dollars) and have been awarded numerous prizes.

Wikipedia is an online community with the purpose to bring free and libre knowledge to to every single person on the planet by providing an internet encyclopedia containing over 30 million articles in over 280 languages under a Creative Commons licence. I have been active contributor to the German and English Wikipedia since 2007 with over 15 000 recorded edits over the last few years. I also maintain several bots (automated programs) on Wikipedia and write external software for the Wikipedia community which can be found on the Wikipedia toolserver.

Together with my wife, we run a recipe and cooking website dedicated to provide seasonal, local, vegetarian and libre (Creative Commons CC-BY-SA) recipes that are creative and easy to cook. We hope to promote and encourage vegetarian cooking and reduce human and animal suffering by providing recipes for tasty food. So far we have uploaded over 600 recipes which we cooked, photographed and wrote ourselves. You can find the recipes at (German).